THE Harvest
Emily Dickinson
Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,
Chapter thirteen
Rooted and Established
God calls us to be rooted and established where He has placed us. But sometimes we can find ourselves living like potted plants in the greenhouse. By stepping out of the containers we’ve made for ourselves, we can blossom how we were always meant to.
Chapter fourteen
Believing in a Super Bloom
Some promises and prayers are waiting dormant under the earth—ready to spring up at the first drop of rain. God only gives good gifts, and this is still true, even when we can’t see them.
Chapter fifteen
How to Become a Master Gardener
If you want to master the garden, you have to be prepared to guard and maintain it. It’s not always glamorous, but hard work pays off. When you seek the Kingdom of God first, all will be added.
Chapter sixteen
When It’s Time to Harvest
At the end of a season of waiting, there is a harvest. God always brings us to harvest seasons. He is, after all, the Lord of the Harvest. Ask Him what field you are assigned to and get ready to reap what you have sown.